The Shedding Begins

It’s that tiiiiiimmmmmeeee! Time for me to shed the old to make room for the new! This has actually become one of my favorite practices. It used to be pretty uncomfortable for me to let go, but I now find the joy and excitement in it these days!

Starting to sell everything that won’t fit in my Subaru with me!

Something that I’ve been embodying more and more in my life is allowing the shedding of people, places, and things. It’s not that I do not care (I have a big, ol’ mushy heart that loves REAL big!), but once I intuit that something is no longer a great fit in my life in the way it once was, I take action and shed what’s needed. I feel deep gratitude and love for the time shared and then release. Those of you who’ve interacted with me in person might have picked up on this. :)

This hasn’t always been the case for me though. I used to try and “fit in” more with others and hang on to physical items that were supposed to have great meaning or stay closely connected to people that on paper would seem like they were meant to be in my life. I’d twist and turn and convince myself to have attachment to these things, when in reality, I was ready to let go. This fitting in behavior was absolutely, 100% my choice. Something that I chose to experience… until I chose otherwise.

The past few years of my journey, I’ve taken a deep look at the WHY behind my decisions in the past. Why I chose to stay longer than I should have. Why I kept certain items when they were collecting dust. Why I didn’t move when I wanted to. And I can say, a lot had to do with pleasing others. Others around me were living their truths and I was doing my best to make their truths my truth. In doing so, I betrayed myself and showed up inauthentically to those around me. I own that and the pain it caused me and others.

And! I can happily say, with a lot of work and self awareness, I am WAY better at recognizing when I start having thought patterns like this and course correct before I go down that path too far. Yay learning!

So, the shedding begins with selling my belongings to get ready for my adventure. Or, I guess it’s more accurate to say, the shedding continues. I’ve already shed and grown and expanded SO SO MUCH and I know I’ve got a lot more to do. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

With love and joy, Whit


Creating My Adventure


Why now?