Writing it Down
Well whatdaya know? Whit likes to journal. Who would have thought?? And she’s not only writing this blog, but is going to document her more personal and intimate thoughts in her journal along the way.
Ok ok. Enough of the 3rd person writing haha Not gonna lie, journaling wasn’t always my thing. Most of my life it hasn’t been my thing actually. If a therapist suggested it, I would grumble and half-ass it, but didn’t really get into journaling until a few years ago. I had to find Whit’s way of journaling :)
I started off by using someone else’s prompts to get me thinking. Daily questions that I could answer and expand on. Something about me that is fairly true to this day is that when it comes to writing, I’m pretty concise. I don’t add a ton of extra fluff or write in circles. Just get to the point and be done with it. So most of these journal entries were a few sentences tops. Sometimes bullet points. Sometimes a quick sketch. And at first I was self-critical about these. “Don’t you have more to say??” “This is more like a list than it is journaling.” Funny how an activity that’s FOR ME, that only I would see, could turn into being done incorrectly… ohhhhhh Whit.
Thankfully, I didn’t let that voice stop me from expressing in whatever way felt right to me in the moment. Sometimes it would be a single word and sometimes I didn’t want to write at all but I found voice recordings on my phone were great for when I had ideas flowing while walking and wanted to document what was coming in. I eventually used drawing and painting to journal my ideas and expression when words didn’t suffice and starting using my journals to take notes when I was learning something new that really excited me. My journals have become a catch all for my everyday adventures, no matter how big or small they might be. So it felt right to have a special journal for this upcoming adventure I’ll be embarking on. One that I created and others could use too!
Look at my face. Much excite!
So yeah! I created my own journal that I’ll be bringing with me to document my most personal thoughts along this journey. It just recently became available so if you’d like to be one of the first people to buy it and write a review to help me get started, wowowow I would be so grateful. :) Even if you’re not the journaling type, like I was, you never know. Maybe you just haven’t given yourself permission to journal YOUR way.
With love and joy, Whit