Exploring Hierarchy: How It Shows Up in Our Lives and What It Means for Our Growth
Hey there! I’m Whit, your Energy Empowerment Guide with a camp counselor vibe and today I’ve got a channeled message and question that might stir up some interesting thoughts and emotions. As always, it’s all in the spirit of self-exploration and growth—so if you’re on that path of ascension and expansion and empowerment, this one’s for you!
Let’s jump right into it. The question I’m bringing to the table today is:
What does hierarchy mean to me and how is it showing up in my experience?
Now, before you run for the hills or brush this off thinking, “Hierarchy? I’m not part of that,” let’s take a breath. This one might be a little spicy if you really dig in, but stick with me. You might be surprised at what comes up.
Understanding Hierarchy in Everyday Life
So, what comes to mind when you hear the word “hierarchy”? For a lot of us, it can stir up thoughts of power structures—bosses, leaders, social classes, or even family dynamics. But hierarchy isn’t just about the obvious structures we see at work or in society. It can be much more subtle and personal.
I used to think I had zero connection to hierarchy. I considered myself a “free spirit” who didn’t believe in the idea of rigid structures. But once I started digging into this question, I began to notice that hierarchy wasn’t just something “out there” in the world. It was something I was participating in, whether I liked it or not.
For example, in relationships, I sometimes found myself putting others on a pedestal—thinking they were more “spiritual” or “successful” than me. Or, in other cases, I’d catch myself feeling superior to someone else because I was more “aware” or “enlightened.” Oof. That was a hard truth to swallow. But the more I explored it, the more I realized that hierarchy was sneaking into areas of my life without me even noticing.
So, how does hierarchy show up for you? Maybe it’s at work, where you feel like you have to defer to certain people because of their position. Or maybe it’s within your friend group, where certain voices seem to carry more weight than others. It could even show up in how you view yourself—are there parts of you that you consider “better” or “worse” than other parts?
Energetically, hierarchy really doesn’t fit with an expanded view from source/god/all that is. Expressions of the idea of hierarchy are unconditionally supported and loved because that is what source is and does! But in that of itself, there is no true hierarchy. This is one of the reasons why many feel discordance when strong hierarchical themes present themselves in our physical reality. It just doesn’t jive with our most authentic and natural selves.
Exploring Hierarchy Through Ancient Wisdom
Hierarchy, as a concept, isn’t just a modern construct. Ancient cultures around the world have grappled with structures of power, leadership, and balance in deeply nuanced ways. However, their interpretations often differed from the rigid hierarchies we see today.
Take, for example, the Iroquois Confederacy—a sophisticated system of governance among Native American nations that predates the United States Constitution. Leadership was based on mutual respect, collective decision-making, and an egalitarian ethos. While there were leaders, their role wasn’t to dominate but to serve the collective. This collaborative model illustrates that hierarchy can function as a supportive framework rather than a power play.
Similarly, ancient spiritual systems like Hinduism or Taoism recognized hierarchies within their teachings, such as the concept of chakras or energy centers in the body. However, these structures weren’t about superiority. Instead, they represented a flow—each energy center being equally vital for holistic balance. The base or root chakra isn’t “lesser” than the crown; it simply plays a different role in the ecosystem of the body.
These perspectives offer a reframe for modern hierarchies. Rather than seeing them as a ladder where someone must be on top, we can view them as interconnected systems, each part contributing to the whole. This shift invites us to find balance rather than perpetuate division.
The Science of Hierarchy: How It Impacts Us
From an evolutionary standpoint, humans have been influenced by hierarchy in numerous ways. Some scientists would say it’s hardwired into us, rooted in survival mechanisms that date back to our earliest days. In primitive societies, hierarchies helped allocate resources, establish order, and ensure protection. But in today’s world, where survival is less about physical danger and more about navigating complex social dynamics, hierarchies can sometimes create stress and imbalance.
Research from the American Psychological Association shows that hierarchical stress—such as feeling subordinate in workplace or social structures—can lead to increased cortisol levels. Chronic exposure to these stressors can impact mental health, lowering self-esteem and even impairing decision-making abilities.
Interestingly, studies have also shown that egalitarian environments foster better teamwork, higher creativity, and a stronger sense of belonging. For example, a 2021 study in Nature Human Behaviour found that organizations with flat structures—where power and influence are more evenly distributed—reported a 28% increase in collaborative innovation compared to those with rigid hierarchies.
The science is clear: while hierarchy can serve a purpose, unchecked power dynamics or overly rigid structures can hinder personal and collective growth. The key lies in awareness—recognizing where hierarchies exist and how they affect us. This mindfulness allows us to move from reactionary participation to intentional co-creation.
Being Honest with Ourselves
Now, I get it. Hierarchy can be a tough topic to dive into. It’s easy to think, “I don’t participate in hierarchy. I’m all about equality and fairness!” And hey, maybe that’s true most of the time. But even if we don’t prefer hierarchy, that doesn’t mean we’re not co-creating with it in some way.
Maybe you’ve been on the receiving end of hierarchy—feeling like a victim to someone else’s power or influence. Or maybe you’ve found yourself unintentionally reinforcing hierarchy, even if that’s not your intention.
The point of the question posted isn’t to shame ourselves or feel bad. It’s about awareness. When we start to see how hierarchy shows up in our lives, we can make room for more of our authentic selves to come through. This is where the magic happens, because the more aware we are, the more aligned we can be with our higher selves.
A Personal Anecdote: My Own Hierarchy Wake-Up Call
Let me share a little story with you. A while back, I was part of a spiritual community where I really admired the leaders. I thought they had everything figured out. In my eyes, they were living their best lives, completely in tune with their higher selves. I was constantly comparing myself to them, feeling like I wasn’t “there” yet.
But one day, I realized that I had created a hierarchy in my mind—one where they were on top and I was somewhere down below, struggling to catch up. This didn’t just impact my self-esteem; it also kept me from seeing my own value, worth, and gifts that were shining bright! I wasn’t giving myself enough credit for the work I was doing and the growth I was experiencing.
Once I recognized this, it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I didn’t need to compare myself or put others on pedestals. I started to see that we’re all on our own unique paths, and none of us are “ahead” or “behind.” We’re just different expressions of the same energy, each contributing something valuable to the collective.
Join a unity consciousness focused community where we explore energy from a heart-centered and respectful of all perspectives space. We are all students and teachers here. If you're on a spiritual awakening journey, on an ascension path, expanding into more of you, and/or believe in self-empowerment, this community is a welcoming space for you.
Practical Tips for Exploring Your Own Relationship with Hierarchy
So, how can you begin to explore this for yourself? Here are a few practical steps:
1. Reflect: Sit with the question “What does hierarchy mean to me and how is it showing up in my experience?” and write down whatever comes up. Be honest with yourself. You might uncover some hidden beliefs or patterns that you weren’t aware of before.
2. Look for Hierarchies in Your Daily Life: Pay attention to the relationships and systems you’re a part of. Where do you notice hierarchy? How does it make you feel? Are you comfortable with it or does it feel limiting?
3. Be Gentle with Yourself: This work isn’t about beating yourself up. If you find that you’ve been participating in hierarchy in ways you didn’t realize, don’t judge yourself. Instead, approach it with curiosity and compassion. It’s all part of the learning process.
4. Explore Power Dynamics in Relationships: Whether it’s at work, with friends, or in your spiritual community, take a look at how power dynamics play out. Are there unspoken rules about who has the “final say” or whose opinion matters most? How do these dynamics make you feel and how do you want to navigate them?
Final Thoughts
Ancient wisdom teaches us to see hierarchies as interconnected systems, while science reminds us of the emotional and psychological impacts of power structures. Energetically from a higher perspective, hierarchies aren’t true to the nature of source. Together, these perspectives can guide us toward a healthier relationship with hierarchy—one rooted in awareness and balance.
Remember, the goal here isn’t to pretend hierarchy doesn’t exist in this physical reality. It’s to become aware of how it’s showing up in our lives and to explore how we’re interacting with it. The more we can see these patterns, the more we can choose how we want to engage with them—and that’s where true empowerment comes in.
I hope this question sparks some curiosity for you and helps you expand your awareness on your expansion journey. And if you’re looking to explore these energies in a group setting, I’d love for you to join our online community. We get together, tune into different energies, and learn from each other—no one’s on a pedestal, and we’re all students and teachers at the same time.
Feel free to comment below if you have any insights or questions and don’t forget to subscribe to Channeled Messages for Humanity if you want to continue expanding and growing in this way.
Love to you, always.
*I HIGHLY recommend checking out Native and Indigenous sources to do a deeper dive into the topic covered. The very short paragraph included here has the intention to bring awareness to this perspective, but not speak for it. Please check out more in depth information directly from the source!