The title of this blog post makes me chuckle. I purposely chose it because it’s one of those ideas that I roll my eyes at. Not that I don’t believe in truth at all, but I don’t believe in a universal truth that is one size fits all. So when I see folks talking about THE TRUTH, or, do xyz and you’ll get a specific outcome, whether that be religiously, spiritually, politically, etc., I laugh to myself a bit.
If you’ve had a conversation with me in the past year or so, you’ve probably heard me talking about exploring different perspectives, zooming out to look at things from different angles, and believing that each and every one of us has our own unique truth that is based on our own thoughts and choices. I appreciate and acknowledge that there are similarities in our individual truths and some function very closely together so they appear to be the same, but because we’re all different beings, our truths are different as well. Or… that’s my perspective on that at least :)
So why am I bringing this all up in an adventure blog???
I bring this up mainly because some blogs like this can take on a “Do what I’m doing and you’ll be happy too!” type vibe. I’m purposely addressing that this is NOT my intention early on so y’all know where I’m coming from. I genuinely believe we are ALL experts of our experience and creators of our reality and I trust that YOU are having the experience you want to have. Or, perhaps you’re realizing you’re not having the experience you’d like to be having so you’re examining your thoughts and choices and trying something different. Either way, I trust you! I believe you’re right where you’re meant to be and doing a damn fine job living your truth :)
I took a moment to enjoy Gichigami (Lake Superior) last weekend amidst my lil bro’s wedding festivities. It’s an excitement of mine to pause when I see things that inspire me and take them in :)
So! If you’re looking for an adventure blog that’ll give you THE TRUTH and magical steps to make your life the most exciting and joyful life, you’ve come to the wrong place my friend. I’m not here to talk in absolutes or paint broad brushstroke solutions. I’m here to share my story and my light and if it happens to inspire you to look at yourself a bit more to find your own deeper truth and excitement, lovely. If this is purely entertainment for you, wonderful. I love it!
With joy and love, Whit